Thursday, 28 March 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Well well well.  The lovely Erica of Erica's Nails and More has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award!  Thank you so much *HUGS*!

So what does this mean, you ask?  Basically it's a way to call attention to and share blogs from around the net.  The rules can be found Here.  I was nominated, so I in turn will nominate others.  You're supposed to do 15, but I don't follow 15 other blogs (shame on me, I know) so I will nominate those I do follow.  I also have to list 7 facts about myself that others may not know.  So here we go....

1--When I do a manicure, I take photos so that I can find any mistakes/areas that need to be cleaned up   which I may have missed.  Occasionally this has led to me redoing an entire mani because, when I look at the picture, I suddenly hate it.

2--I met my husband on an online vampire MMORPG that we both still play and where I'm a forum moderator at.  No, we aren't Goths.

3--I have 8 on each shoulder and six on my back.  When I win the lottery, I want to get two of the back ones covered up with a black/gray dragon holding a heart made of ribcage bones.

4--Though I've not done it in a while, I enjoy making computer backrounds with a program called Bryce.

5--Any time I start doing something that requires me to think and focus, Annoying Pomeranian decides he needs something and starts doing his squeaky door he is right now.

6--I used to love Duran Duran.  Yeah, I said it.  DURAN DURAN.  Deal with it.

7--I have to read while I'm eating.  I suppose the habit started when I was living on my own, but most of the time I don't feel right if I'm eating and don't have a book in hand.  Obviously, this doesn't apply when I'm eating outside of my home.

Okay, here's my nominations.  I realize I've probably never spoken to either of you, but rules is rules :D

1-Elise@From Lips To Tips
2-Rachel Marie@Rachel Marie's Nails

I know, only 2??  But when I went to my list of blogs I follow, I saw that several haven't been posted on in months.  My apologies, and I will be purging my list and finding new blogs to follow soon, I promise.

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