Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Nail Challenge Day 5

The next theme is Valentines Day. I was hellbound and determined to do a water marble for this. I won't go into what a pain that turned out to be (I have no luck when it comes to water temperature). I managed to get it done, but the next day I decided I could do better so I took it off. Anyway...a few hours, much cursing and way too much wasted polish later, I finally managed something I was happy with:

It's not the best, but it's not the worst either. I plan to really practice doing these once the weather warms up and room temperature water is easier to come by (old house, drafty, etc.). Boiling the water and letting it cool to room temp. helped a lot, as did setting a bottle of it in hot water for a while. But since I'm lazy, I'm going to wait until Mother Nature is more willing to lend a hand (no pun intended).

I'm dubbing this entry the 'Magical Mystery Marble' because the polishes used were:
-Essie Mystery Polish #1.....Found it at TK Maxx w/no name. It's pinkish white.----Untried
-Essie Mystery Polish #2....Same as #1, but a nice red.----Untried
-OPI 'Skyfall'----Untried


  1. Great water marble. Love you thumb design!

  2. I think this looks great!! I have never tried a water marble, so I commend your effort!

  3. I LOVE THAT HEART! This is so cool!
